Maverick Adidas Terrex X & Ultra Peaks 2020

Maverick Adidas Terrex X & Ultra Peaks 2020

Here is shown the latest 20 live times from the finish line. Updates in 15 seconds.

Chip time Participant
9:02:25Kelly Baildon
9:02:23Jessie Mcguire
8:53:20Nicholas Marcinkiewicz
8:47:26Abbey Clephane-Wilson
8:47:23Deborah Fisher
8:31:35Lizzie Holtham
8:14:07Charlie Allport
8:11:48Oliver Clarkin
8:31:19Rhianwen Beint
8:04:24Alan Smith
8:02:22Erica Helmetag
7:52:36Gif Jittiwutikarn
8:02:52Melissa Steer
8:02:49Beki Hanns
7:58:33Claire Adams
6:51:11Simon Watts
7:52:39Ellie Wright
7:35:53Freddie Kleiner
7:47:59Mike Fleet
7:40:45Ben Lumley

Timing by Maverick Race.