Ride of the Falling Leaves 2015


Chip timeParticipant
5:02:04Graham Stellyes
-Aengus Stewart
-David Story
4:03:21Diane Suter
3:49:30David Sykes
4:31:14Chooi-leng Tan
2:56:20Tanyo Tanev
4:08:18Ka yui Tang
3:37:17Jim Taylor
4:31:47Kathryn Taylor
3:55:31Morag Taylor
5:02:03Rick Taylor
-Nicola Thompson
3:57:51Ellis Turner
-Joanne Upton
3:20:42Ben Walder
3:37:29Harry Ward
3:37:21Harvey Ward
3:19:52Alexander Webb
-Philip White
2:59:19Oliver Whitehead
5:18:39Adrian Wikeley
4:43:07Rebecca Williams
4:53:28Stuart Williams
4:17:01Andrew Wolfenden
-James Wood
3:22:55Matt Worrall
4:42:26Claire Wren
3:28:19Mark Wright

This event is timed by ST App Service. There will be no chip timing for this event. All queries should be sent to the organiser of the event.