Lakeland Loop Cycle Sportive 2019

Lakeland Loop Cycle Sportive 2019

Chip timeParticipant
7:07:15Derek Laidler
6:06:00Lucy Lamb
5:03:10Mike Lamb
6:37:17Stephen Lamb
6:49:55John Large
6:01:42Des Larkin
6:01:49Mike Larkin
5:35:11Steve Laughlin
7:46:44Joanne Laycock
4:26:48Scott Leadbetter
5:21:31Peter Leather
7:46:40Karen Lederer
6:17:23Peter Lee
5:06:27Nigel Leeson
5:59:37Steven Leslie
7:46:48Alison Lewis
7:47:04Ewen Lewis
7:17:44Kate Lightstead
6:11:38Nick Linehan
6:54:18Maurice Linfield
6:24:59George Lipscomb
5:18:45Tom Loan
4:40:22Dan Lock
5:35:44Simon Lock
5:16:52Adam Lockhart
6:16:26Earle Logan
6:13:26Malcolm Logan
5:42:45David Lomas
6:28:31Shaun Lomas
4:57:22David Longrigg
-Stuart Lord
8:37:19Joe Loughran
7:51:35Andrew Love
7:15:58Scott 'scoja' Lowe
5:33:00Bryan Lowrie
7:19:59John Lynch
7:11:10Vikki Lynch
8:52:01Jamie Macgregor
6:49:06Graham Magennis
7:04:30Christopher Mahoney
6:40:23Marc Mahoney
6:30:05Rupert Maitland-Titterton
5:13:06Andy Major
7:07:23Shaun Malarkey
4:47:02Rob Marsh
6:14:53Alan Marshall
4:58:23Paul Marshall
5:57:32Darren Martin
6:55:47Joanne May
6:53:53Alex Mcadam

This event is timed by ST App Service. There will be no chip timing for this event. All queries should be sent to the organiser of the event.
For result queries please e-mail: