Cambridge Half Marathon 2020


Patrick Bexfield

Started and running

Distance Half Marathon
Participant (#2602)
Patrick Bexfield
30-34 male

Age category is calculated based on the age of the athlete. The age at 8 March 2020.

Split times
Swipe horizontally to view all splits
Split time Total time
Distance Time Pace Time Time of day
6.9K 6900 metres 30:35 4:25 min/km 30:35 10:04:34
12.7K 5800 metres 25:40 4:25 min/km 56:15 10:30:14
18.4K 5700 metres 46:12 8:06 min/km 1:42:27 11:16:26
21K 2600 metres --41:24 1:03 09:35:02
Total 21000 metres 1:03 0:03 min/km 1:03 09:35:02

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