Lucy Morley

Chip time

Hours Minutes Seconds

Distance Nottingham SixPack Challenge
Speed 6.64 km/h
Pace 9:02 min/km
VO2 max (Estimated) 21 (ml / kg / min)
VO2 rating
Chiptime as 21-29 year-old 05:13:20
(Based on age factor)
Participant (#100)
Lucy Morley
Veteran 50 female

Age category is calculated based on the age of the athlete. The age at 31 March 2022.

Split times
Swipe horizontally to view all splits
Split time
Distance Time Pace
What's Your Poison? 5K 5 km 47:23 9:28 min/km
Leaky Hollow 5K 5 km 41:00 8:12 min/km
Mean and Leen 6K 6 km 59:58 9:59 min/km
Trentside Trundle 7K 7 km 59:00 8:25 min/km
Fowl Play 10K 10 km 1:25:12 8:31 min/km
The Hook 9K 9 km 1:27:13 9:41 min/km