Crosby-Ellenborough 10k 2017

Information and registration

10 June 2017

The Crosby-Ellenborough 10k Road Race is being held as a fundraiser for Crosscanonby St John’s Primary School.

The road race marks the start of a family fun and sports day being held at the school.

Registration begins at 0930 and the race starts from Crosby at 11am.

The course follows the traditional Ellenborough 10k route but starts and finishes in Crosby.

Entry fee

£9.50 with a £2 discount for UKA members

Please note that during the registration process your British Athletics/UKA membership will be checked and if valid the appropriate discount will be applied.

A booking fee of 75p per entrant will be added together with a small per-order charge (approximately 1.25%) to cover the cost of processing your debit or credit card.


There will be top 3 prizes for male and female, plus some spot prizes.

All entrants can redeem a hot drink and cake at the school afterwards.

The race is officially measured and licensed by UKA.

 Event information
10 June 2017
Great Britain
See map below
Registration is closed
This event is timed by ST App Service. There will be no chip timing for this event. All queries should be sent to the organiser of the event.
For result queries please e-mail:

 More information
Crosscanonby St John’s CE Primary School

Crosby-Ellenborough 10k 2017

  • Crosby
  • Great Britain