The Promenade 5k Race Series 2018

The Promenade 5k Race Series 2018

Information and registration

27 June 2018 -
26 September 2018

A flat and fast 5k race which will be part of a four-race series. The race will start at the end of the promenade to the rear of Bank End Farm and will run along the promenade before looping around the houses and rejoining the promenade back to the finish.

A quick course with the potential to run PBs for the faster club runners or a great little race for those who want to keep fit and improve over the whole series. All results on Power of 10!!

Polite notice, the race starts approximately 1 mile away from the sports centre and is ideal for the warmup/cooldown so could everyone please park at the sports centre and not the golf club to save any problems.


The runs are based at Netherhall Sports Centre where you will find registration, changing, toilets, etc.


June 27th, July 25th, August 22nd and September 26th - all are Wednesdays. Start times will vary depending on the date, the June and July runs are at 7pm.

Note that registration for all races will close at midnight on the Monday before each event and then re-open for the remaining events at 9am on the Tuesday.

Entry fee

The standard entry fee is £7 with a £1 reduction available to British Athletics/UKAA members (see note below).

If you enter all four events (only applies to the same person entering all four events at the same time) then the per-event entry fee will be automatically reduced to £5 during the entry process.

An administration fee of £1 will be applied to each entry by our online entry system partner, Results Base.

Please note that your British Athletics/UKA membership will be checked during the registration process and if valid the appropriate discount will be applied. Scottish Athletics and Welsh Athletics members can also obtain the discount by entering their membership number into the appropriate field.

 Event information
27 June 2018
25 July 2018
22 August 2018
26 September 2018
Netherhall Sports Centre
Great Britain
See map below
Registration is closed
5 km
Starts at 19:00

Price per participant
Price £7.00 + fee
Fee: £1.00 per participant
5 km
Starts at 19:00

Price per participant
Price £7.00 + fee
Fee: £1.00 per participant
5 km
Starts at 19:00

Price per participant
Price £7.00 + fee
Fee: £1.00 per participant
5 km

Price per participant
Price £7.00 + fee
Fee: £1.00 per participant

The Promenade 5k Race Series 2018

  • Netherhall Sports Centre
  • Great Britain