Chip timeParticipant
4:55:30Ian Leigh
4:36:25Martin Leslie
5:24:01Ian Lightfoot
3:46:38Philippa Liles
5:10:50Mike Liptrot
2:59:44Ross Litherland
4:14:57Claire Livesey
4:20:43Rick Lloyd
4:04:43Tom Loan
3:57:17David Lomas
6:08:38Andy Lowe
5:10:51Scott 'Scoja' Lowe
4:29:01Jackie Lyons
4:29:01Steven Lyons
4:41:04Paul Mackie
-Ewen Maclean
5:17:02Malcolm Mahoney
4:20:27Matt Mahoney
3:38:52Andrew Major
4:58:47Jay Markland
5:58:31Daniel Marlor
5:27:51Alistair Marshall
4:01:39Dean Marshall
6:07:53Carla Martin
6:07:56David Martin
4:38:53Mark Mason
5:24:53Alan Mather
6:18:37Paul Mather
4:57:02Lee Mathison
5:55:29Phil Matthews
5:34:36Geoffrey Mayoh
4:16:07Mark McBurnie
3:14:26Christopher McConnell
5:18:09John McGarvey
6:05:21Kevin Mcgee
3:28:55Carl Mcgurk
4:22:48James McInerney
4:40:43Stephen McIntyre
4:53:23Bobby McKean
4:11:03John McKeever
4:06:35Hugh McKenna
4:06:21Michael McKenna
4:54:49Michael Mclaughlin
4:07:20Michael Meath
4:02:39Nigel Meier
4:30:18Stuart Melling
5:13:59Peter Messer
4:57:23Alan Metcalf
5:17:38Adam Metcalfe
4:22:01Mark Metcalfe

This event is timed by ST App Service. There will be no chip timing for this event. All queries should be sent to the organiser of the event.
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