Chip timeParticipant
6:19:44Timothy Meyrick
5:29:10Mark Molyneaux
5:29:00Soulla Molyneaux
6:14:25David Moorcroft
3:09:14Arthur Moore
4:54:51Roy Moorhouse
-Amanda Morgan
-Mark Morgan
3:43:49Phil Morgan
3:47:51Philip Morgan
4:44:03Steven Morgan
4:20:44Christopher Morris
4:07:37Simon Mulholland
5:30:32Robert Mundy
5:11:42Chris Murphy
4:29:20Ian Murphy
6:16:05Sara Murphy
3:20:10Gordon Murray
6:16:24Lauren Murray
4:51:01Andrew Myers
4:12:47Philip Myers
3:20:41Timothy Natrajan
5:02:29Tomas Neeson
5:06:16James Nevill
3:06:06Bob Newby
4:05:25Lee Newton
3:45:37Paul Nichol
6:53:46Martin Nicol
5:19:36Ruth Noonan
5:45:48Neil Norman
3:58:26Paul Norman
4:28:14Craig Nuttall
4:39:27Robin O'Dowd
4:44:29Angela O'Hagan
5:29:36Lindsay Oakes
6:12:51Sean Ofsarnie
4:56:47Glynn Ogden
4:49:39Louise Oldfield
4:49:39Martin Oldfield
6:17:05Adrienne Olszewska
3:58:00Jude Osborne
4:02:10Ronny Owe
5:16:05Brian Owen
5:24:00Chris Owen
5:09:10David Owen
4:49:21David Owen
4:19:58Nic Page
4:52:28Tom Palenicek
4:09:41Simon Parker
3:50:35Nicholas Paszek

This event is timed by ST App Service. There will be no chip timing for this event. All queries should be sent to the organiser of the event.
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