My name is Dr Emma Williams. I am a mum, doctor and a patient. I recently had surgery for a rare neuroendocrine tumour. I recovered quicker than expected, amazing friends, family, my surgeon and, frankly, myself.
I started with the idea that I would run a marathon to raise money for charity. I was amazed that most people I spoke to wanted to help and join in. This gave me the idea to run a virtual running event ranging from 5km to a marathon. By organising an event I hope to get people fitter and stronger, improving their own health to help prevent disease and aid recovery if they do become unwell. Even if you don’t feel able to run, entering and walking can have significant health benefits.
Studies have shown physical activity leads to significant reduction in all cause mortality. More specifically, physical activity improves mental health, reduces your chance of certain cancers, cardiovascular disease, falls and is helpful in diabetes, obesity and dementia. The list goes on.
Your entry fee will be split between two charities that are very important to me. AMEND - Association for Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Disorders, a patient support group for the benefit of families affected by the rare, inheritable multiple endocrine neoplasia disorders and associated endocrine tumours, and PLANETS Cancer Charity, a local charity which helps patients with pancreatic, liver, colorectal, abdominal and neuroendocrine cancer by funding patient support groups, innovative treatments and research.
A big thank you for supporting my event and these fantastic charities and the great work they do in the process. November 10th is global NET Cancer Day and taking part in this event will also help to raise awareness of NET (neuroendocrine) cancer.
If you would like an extra incentive for your training then I would be delighted if you wanted to join with me and set up an individual fundraising page as well! You will be given a tick box option on entering which takes you to Virgin Money Giving where you can set up your own page and you can raise funds for the charities I have chosen for this event (Virgin allows you to raise funds for more than one charity at a time) or you could choose a charity that is important to you! There is absolutely no obligation to do this and if friends are keen to support you in some way, you could simply invite them to make a donation to my event fundraising page instead:
The most important thing is that you are joining me on my mission is to get the nation fitter and healthier whilst raising money for charity. Let's get this country “fit to fight”.
Thank you!