The Tour of Pembrokeshire 2018

The Tour of Pembrokeshire 2018


Chip timeParticipant
8:25:53Paul Slack
8:03:27Alice Smith
8:33:53Craig Smith
7:24:32Iwan Smith
10:15:48Jeff Smith
6:46:04Adam Spiller
9:08:01Jim Spratt
9:11:01Jonathan Stacey
8:30:26Huw Stead
7:57:40John Stobbart
10:18:52Christopher Storie
9:29:43David Strange-Walker
8:44:03Paul Streets
9:03:59Alisha Sturley
8:39:17Andrew Sutton
8:35:57Duncan Swain
10:34:55Jonathan Swain
10:07:34Matthew Swain
6:37:02Patrick Swann
6:55:29Jake Tanguay
9:24:00Neil Tatham
7:01:21Tommy Taylor
7:58:15Anthony Thomas
9:39:58Cecilia Thomas
9:41:52Gareth Thomas
6:23:24Gavin Thomas
9:48:06Meredith Thomas
7:04:25Rhodri Thomas
7:52:16Simon Thomas
9:06:05Steven Thomas
6:59:37Wayne Thomas
9:48:01Steven Thompson
7:54:33William Thompson
7:49:51Phil Tinnuche
9:50:06Fidel Torreiro
5:03:53Patrick Tribe
8:39:19Paul Tucker
7:40:19Tom Vale
10:38:53William Vandyck
6:57:48Harper Vansteenhouse
8:22:57Tim Varney
-Austen Vines
10:18:56Mark Vines
7:12:08Ben Voisey
10:57:01Ed Walker
6:17:46Tom Walker
10:27:49Luan Wall
8:02:54Paul Walters
7:19:03Sean Ward
8:25:49Stephanie Waring

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